jueves, 16 de enero de 2014

México en fotos, según Al Jazeera

Fotos que no han sacado los medios mexicanos

The militia awaited the signal from their leader to move towards Nueva Italia on January 12.

On January 11, vigilantes detained three teenagers after they stole a car from a journalist. They were allegedly working for the Templar cartel as "punteros", or watchers, and had set fire to two trucks on the road to Antunez.

The militias have detained people they suspect of involvement with the drug cartels.

The militias advanced through the streets of Paracuaro on January 4.

Many members of the militias are armed with rifles and semi-automatic weapons.

Militia members in the town of Paracuaro on January 6.

This truck bears the logo of one of the militia groups.

On January 10, the leader of the militia made a speech in the church square to explain to the people of Antunez the goal of their presence in the town.

Vigilantes advanced on Antunez on January 11.

Más fotos en la fuente original

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